IT Process Automation Benefits – And How You Can Achieve Them

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From productivity gains to facilitating digital transformations that help your business scale, IT process automation can be a massive ROI driver – when done right. When done wrong, it can lead to frustration and unnecessary technological roadblocks.


As Jonathan Sandmel, President of Steady Networks, says, “We not only provide the tools necessary for effective IT process automation but also ensure they are integrated seamlessly into your existing operations to maximize efficiency and return on investment.”


Harnessing Efficiency Through IT Process Automation

IT process automation has become an essential strategy for companies aiming to enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and streamline operations.

At Steady Networks, we specialize in leveraging cutting-edge IT process automation tools and software to transform businesses’ IT operations management.

This blog explores the fundamentals of IT process automation, its benefits, and the best practices for implementing these technologies, whether independently or through a Managed Service Provider (MSP).


What Is IT Process Automation?

IT Process Automation (ITPA) involves using software to create repeatable instructions and processes that replace or reduce human interaction with IT systems.

Automation tools are designed to handle various routine tasks across various networks and systems, from deploying updates and monitoring network health to configuring hardware and managing storage.

Facing Challenges Reaching Your Automation Goals?

Turn to Steady Networks for effective implementation and tailored solutions.

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Benefits of IT Process Automation

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Automation streamlines operations, eliminating time-consuming manual processes and freeing up staff for higher-level functions.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Compliance: Automated processes are less prone to error than human-operated ones. Automation ensures that activities are performed uniformly, leaving little room for mistakes and ensuring compliance with industry standards.
  • Cost Reduction: By automating routine tasks, companies can operate more efficiently with fewer resources, significantly reducing operational costs over time.
  • Improved Response Time: IT process automation tools can detect and respond to system events much faster than humans, leading to quicker resolution of issues and minimal downtime.


Types of IT Process Automation Tools and IT Process Automation Software

Workflow Automation Tools: Tools like Microsoft Power Automate and Zapier help automate routine business processes such as data entry and document approvals across various applications, enhancing productivity.

Configuration Management Tools: Tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet automate server deployment and operation, ensuring consistent configurations and compliance across IT infrastructures.

IT Service Management (ITSM) Tools: Platforms like ServiceNow and BMC Helix ITSM automate IT service delivery, enhance incident management and service request processing, and align IT services with business needs.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools: UiPath, Blue Prism, and Automation Anywhere specialize in automating repetitive tasks that typically require human interaction, freeing up resources for more strategic activities.


78% of businesses around the world are facing a shortage of tech talent—a problem that is easily solved by outsourcing IT processes and employing automation, according to a study by CloudSecureTech.


Choosing the Right Tools

When selecting IT process automation tools, consider these factors:

  • Integration Capabilities: Ensure the tool integrates seamlessly with your existing systems to maintain smooth workflows.
  • Scalability: Choose tools that can scale with your business growth without requiring significant upgrades.
  • Security Features: Opt for tools with robust security measures to protect sensitive data and operations.
  • User Interface: Favor tools with intuitive interfaces to facilitate quick adoption among your team.

Implementing IT Process Automation: DIY vs. MSP

While it’s possible for businesses to implement IT process automation on their own, partnering with an MSP like Steady Networks can amplify the benefits. Here’s how:


DIY IT Process Automation

Pros: Direct control over automation processes; potential cost savings on service fees.

Cons: Requires substantial initial investment in technology and training; ongoing responsibility for maintenance and updates.


Partnering with an MSP

Pros: Access to expert knowledge and advanced tools; the MSP handles ongoing support and maintenance.

Cons: Less direct control over automation processes; ongoing service costs.


Aspect DIY IT Process Automation Partnering with an MSP
Control High control over automation processes and decisions. Less direct control as the MSP manages the processes.
Cost Lower ongoing costs but higher initial investment in tools and training. Predictable monthly fees; less need for upfront investment.
Expertise Requires in-house expertise or training. Access to expert knowledge, cutting-edge technology, and best practices.
Maintenance and Updates Responsibility for regular maintenance and updates rests with the company. MSP handles all maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting.
Scalability Must plan and execute scalability independently. MSPs offer scalable solutions that can grow with your business.
Implementation Speed May be slower due to learning curves and setup times. Faster implementation as MSPs have the processes and tools ready.
Support Internal team must manage support. Comprehensive support and training provided by the MSP.
Customization Complete flexibility in customization according to specific needs. Customization handled by the MSP, typically flexible to client needs.


More resources you might like:


IT Process Automation


How Steady Networks Facilitates IT Operations Automation

At Steady Networks, we understand that the transition to IT operations automation can be daunting. We provide tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs, helping you navigate the complexities of automation from the initial setup to ongoing management.

  • Expert Setup and Configuration: Ensure your IT automation tools are set up correctly and configured to match your business processes.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization: Ongoing adjustments and updates to your automation workflows to keep them efficient as your business evolves.
  • Comprehensive Training and Support: Empower your team with expert training and support to make the most of automation technologies.

IT process automation offers a pathway to significant operational improvements by enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing the reliability of IT operations.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation to develop a comprehensive digital transformation and get the necessary IT process automation tools.

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Steady Networks and IT Solutions Join Forces

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