9 IT Help Desk Best Practices You Should Understand

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As your business grows, your helpdesk support ticket volume skyrockets. The larger the volume of tickets, the more likely they are to go unresolved, leading to downtime that can cost as much as $9,000 per minute . In a rapidly changing digital landscape, it’s essential for your IT helpdesk to be able to stay ahead and resolve issues as they arise.  “As client demand and ticket volumes increase, your long-term success hinges on your ability to adapt and provide outstanding help desk support,” says Jonathan Sandmel, CEO for Steady Networks.  However, in order to ensure your helpdesk is prepared to handle and resolve a growing number of tickets from your end users, it’s vital to ensure it follows IT help desk best practices.  In this article, we’ll examine nine of the most significant IT help desk best practices, and how following them can help you improve customer satisfaction while reducing resolution times.  

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The Top 9 IT Help Desk Best Practices

1. Using the Right Tools

The first step to refining your IT help desk best practices is selecting the right tools. Think of this as your base infrastructure. Ensure that your help desk software integrates seamlessly with other IT tools, scales with your growing needs, and adapts to emerging tech trends. Companies relying on help desk software systems saw a number of improvements to the performance of IT help desks. For example, 96% reported better tracking and customer interaction management , along with a 31% increase in first-call resolution rates.

2. Mastering Ticket Management

When faced with a deluge of support tickets, it’s tempting to tackle them as they come. But that’s not always efficient. Organize your tickets based on urgency and impact. Monitor resolution times and response time diligently.  If you observe a ticket left unresolved beyond the expected timeframe, it’s a red flag. Always circle back and ensure every resolved ticket actually meets customer satisfaction.

3. Reinforce Your Knowledge Base

A robust knowledge base can be the backbone of effective service management. It offers a dual benefit: aiding your support team in finding quick solutions and empowering users with self-service options.  In fact, research shows that 91% of customers would rely on an online knowledge base if it were available and covered their needs. To that extent, you should regularly refine your knowledge based on recurring issues and solutions.

4. Invest in Learning

It’s important for your service desk team to keep their knowledge up-to-date. Learning about emerging threats, software nuances, and innovative solutions improves their versatility and ability to respond and adapt to specific situations. To help your team achieve this, you should offer them regular training and encourage them to get certified in their area of expertise. In real time, this can drastically improve both resolution rates and customer experience.  
IT Help Desk Best Practices
Source: Rezolve.ai

5. Clear, Effective Communication

Nothing frustrates a customer more than unclear updates or being left in the dark. As you tackle their issues, communicate clearly, set expectations, and update them on the progress.  Remember, good customer service goes beyond fixing a problem; it’s about the entire experience.

6. Value User Feedback

A key IT help desk best practice is to obtain feedback from your users. Encourage them to share their experiences after an issue is resolved. This feedback is invaluable, as it helps to direct you towards areas of improvement.

7. Establish Escalation Protocols

Every support team will occasionally face complex issues that exceed the expertise of frontline help desk teams. That’s why it’s important to have a clear escalation procedure in place to ensure that escalated tickets reach senior technicians or managers promptly.

8. Rely on Remote Support

With a dispersed workforce becoming the norm, your support team should be equipped to offer remote assistance. Harness secure tools to assist users regardless of their geographical location.

9. Proactivity Over Reactivity

Don’t just react; anticipate. Research from Starmind shows that 80% of tickets are based on standard, repeatable questions. To that extent, your help desk team should be able to recognize patterns and proactively implement solutions before minor glitches become widespread issues.

Understanding the Impact of IT Help Desk Best Practices

Best Practice Improves Customer Satisfaction Reduces Ticket Volume Enhances Team Efficiency Lowers Operational Costs
Right Tools and Software Selection
Ticket Management and Prioritization
Robust Knowledge Base Management
Continuous Learning and Training
Effective Communication
Value User Feedback
Clear Escalation Protocols
Remote Support Capability
Proactive Support
Interested in learning more about IT help desk services? Check out these blogs:
  Understanding the Impact of IT Help Desk Best Practices

Follow IT Help Desk Best Practices With a Trusted Partner

Ensuring your company follows IT help desk categories best practices can mean the difference between a thriving business and one that’s constantly firefighting. An IT helpdesk succeeds or fails depending on various factors, from the experience and versatility of the team behind it to the accessibility and usefulness of its online knowledge base.  If you are considering outsourcing your IT help desk, partner with Steady Networks. As one of New Mexico’s leading managed service providers, our helpdesk services are backed by a 28.4 minute average response time, and a 24.6 minute average resolution time. Our help desk handles 100% of the tickets it receives daily as part of our “Today Not Tomorrow” policy, resulting in a customer satisfaction rate of 99.1%. Benefit from helpdesk support that improves efficiency and delivers unparalleled customer service. Ready to elevate your IT support game? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
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FAQs about IT Help Desk Best Practices

Improved customer satisfaction, reduced ticket volume, enhanced team efficiency, and lower operational costs are some measurable impacts.

Steady Networks provides rapid response and resolution times, and follows a Today Not Tomorrow policy, ensuring a 99.1% customer satisfaction rate.

It refers to having a clear procedure to ensure that complex issues are escalated to senior technicians or managers promptly.

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